Download PDF – Scroll Down Facts About Indian Constitution – 1. India got Independence on August 15, 1947. 2. There was a great need to formulate a constitution to administer the country. So a constitution committee was organized by the government of India to draft a constitution for the country. 3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was…
Read MoreResearch Paper (शोध प्रपत्र) Workshop (कार्यशाला) Seminar (संगोष्ठी) Conference (सम्मेलन) Symposium (परिसंवाद) शोध प्रपत्र (Research Paper) – एक उत्तम प्रकार का शोध प्रपत्र लिखना आलोचनात्मक अर्धविराम सृजनात्मक तथा चिंतन स्तर का कार्य है। शोध प्रपत्र में एक विशिष्ट प्रक्रिया का अनुसरण करना होता है जिससे समुचित क्रम को अपनाया जाता है जिससे शोधकर्ता की शक्ति…
Read MoreMemory Level of teaching covers only the knowledge-based objective of Bloom’s taxonomy where the students learn to identify, recall, or remember the objects, events, ideas, and concepts and retain them in memory.
Read MoreEDUCATION IN POST INDEPENDENT INDIA 1. Modern education in India began under the British rule. 2. They wanted to educate Indians to assist them in administration of land. 3. The British also wanted to understand the local customs and law. So they opened many institutionsi. 1781 Calcutta Madarssa by Warren Hastingsii. 1791 Sanskrit college at…
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