Primary Data
•Primary data is the kind of data that is collected directly from the data source.
•Primary data is any original information that you collect for the purpose of answering your research question.
Primary Data Examples
Data collected during market research, product research, Census through survey observation and experiments.
Primary Data Pros
- Primary data is reliable authentic and objective because it was collected to addressing a particular research problem.
- In primary data collection you have control over the sampling and Measurement methods
Primary Data Cons
- It is more expensive and time consuming to collect new data.
- It requires training in data collection methods.
Secondary Data
- Secondary data is the data that is collected through primary source and made available for researcher to use for their own research.
- Secondary data is information that has been collected by other researcher and you are using it.
Secondary Data Examples
Published sources and unpublished sources, journal, newspaper, websites government records Etc.
Secondary Data Pros
- Secondary data is easier and faster to access.
- It is very affordable because it is readily available.
Secondary Data Cons
- It’s not very much objective it require extra processing to make sure it work for your analysis.
- No control over the sampling and Measurement method.