Are you finding pdf notes for UGC NET EDUCATION PAPER 2? Your search ends here, we are providing UGC NET EDUCATION UNIT 5: Curriculum Studies notes here.
Lets first explore what is the topics we have to study in UGC NET EDUCATION UNIT 5 Curriculum Studies
In this UNIT 5 Curriculum Studies UGC NET Education PAPER 2 we are going to cover following topics –
a) Concept and Principles of Curriculum, Strategies of Curriculum Development, Stages in the Process of Curriculum development, Foundations of Curriculum Planning – Philosophical Bases (National, democratic), Sociological basis (socio cultural reconstruction), Psychological Bases (learner’s needs and interests),Bench marking and Role of National level Statutory Bodies – UGC, NCTE and University in Curriculum Development
b) Models of Curriculum Design: Traditional and Contemporary Models (Academic / Discipline Based Model, Competency Based Model, Social Functions / Activities Model [social reconstruction], Individual Needs & Interests Model, Outcome Based Integrative Model , Intervention Model, C I P P Model (Context, Input, Process, Product Model)
c) Instructional System, Instructional Media, Instructional Techniques and Material in enhancing curriculum Transaction, Approaches to Evaluation of Curriculum : Approaches to Curriculum and Instruction (Academic and Competency Based Approaches), Models of Curriculum Evaluation: Tyler’s Model, Stakes’ Model, Scriven’s Model, Kirkpatrick’s Model
d) Meaning and types of Curriculum change, Factors affecting curriculum change, Approaches to curriculum change, Role of students, teachers and educational administrators in curriculum change and improvement, Scope of curriculum research and Types of Research in Curriculum Studies.