Hello NET aspirants here we are sharing the link of NET EDUCATION PAPER 2 UNIT 7 topics, Notes PDF Content, Lecture playlist and Test series please go through it for better understanding
Unit 7: Pedagogy, Andragogy and Assessment
a) Pedagogy, Pedagogical Analysis – Concept and Stages, Critical Pedagogy- Meaning, Need and its implications in Teacher Education, Organizing Teaching: Memory Level (Herbartian Model), Understanding Level (Morrison teaching Model), Reflective Level (Bigge and Hunt teaching Model), Concept of Andragogy in Education: Meaning, Principles, Competencies of Self-directed Learning, Theory of Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles), The Dynamic Model of Learner Autonomy
b) Assessment – Meaning, nature, perspectives (assessment for Learning, assessment of learning and Assessment of Learning) – Types of Assessment (Placement, formative, diagnostic, summative) Relations between objectives and outcomes , Assessment of Cognitive (Anderson and Krathwohl), Affective (Krathwohl) and psychomotor domains (R.H. Dave) of learning
c) Assessment in Pedagogy of Education: Feedback Devices: Meaning, Types, Criteria, Guidance as a Feedback Devices: Assessment of Portfolios, Reflective Journal, Field Engagement using Rubrics,
Competency Based Evaluation, Assessment of Teacher Prepared ICT Resources
d) Assessment in Andragogy of Education – Interaction Analysis: Flanders’ Interaction analysis, Galloway’s system of interaction analysis (Recording of Classroom Events, Construction and Interpretation of Interaction Matrix), Criteria for teacher evaluation (Product, Process and Presage criteria, Rubrics for Self and Peer evaluation (Meaning, steps of construction).
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